Down, down, down. Would the fall never come to an end! 'I wonder how many miles I've fallen by this time?' she said aloud.
Materials used: watercolor pans (Winsor & Newton and Schminke), Arches cold press watercolor paper 300g, Faber Castell polychromo pencils.

This illustration is a mix between Alice in Wonderland and the Monogatari series. I wanted to recreate the pressure of failing and descending into madness that some children suffer as they go through puberty. Alice's hair turns to magenta as she thinks of senseless things as "how long will I fall?". Meanwhile, her uniform has desaturated 'realistic' colours, the only one thing that binds her to reality at that point. Her green ribbon indicates that she is on her last highschool year and she has to think about her future and the pressure of adulthood. Games and messy school supplies bend with honey pots as the world is turned upside down. Mirrors hang from every wall, but they do not reflect anything: not the present and not the future. The space gets twisted into a spiral the deeper she falls down.
Some of the Monogatari series 'easter eggs' would be the scissors, the impossible balance of the chairs and tables on the bottom and the red books (which here they are all organized but soon will start to fall and lose pages, just as Alice's feelings).
Digital sketching and colour testing