She wore her favourite yellow raincoat. Although, it did not help her parents relax since they would not spot their daughter among all the flowers if she got lost. It was a fresh spring morning at the farmhouse, but that did not stop the children from running and playing. The tiny girl liked to hop around and pretend she was a cute rabbit. “I AM LATE FOR TEA!” She used to say. Her brother, who had to take care of her, got very annoyed at her habits.
“Why don’t you get lost and find your Alice, little rabbit?” he blurted out. “I’m playing with my friends!”
So that is what she did. She adventured sunflower field. Far, far away from the ranch. The sunflowers got taller and taller until she could no longer see anything above her, except for the blue sky. Then she arrived at the understory of the forest. But it did not look like one! It was more of a jungle. Many vines hanged from trees and bushes and grass as tall as her. That is when she spotted a big cauliflower plant. The girl had never seen a thing like that before... and something slept inside the enormous glowing sphere!
Did she find where the fairies are born?

Chosen thumbnail

Rough sketch

Final sketch

Colour palette

Old illustration (2018)

Talents indian ink and dip pen
Fabriano watercolour book 300 g/m2
Watercolour (Winsor & Newton and Van Gogh)
Faber-Castell polychromo coloured pencils (blush)
Bic neon pink brite liner (pink particles)